16 June 2008

Say Hello

Here are 10 ways to say "hello."

In Japanese it's "konnichiwa" (koe-nee-chee-wha),

Spanish speakers say "hola" (Oh-la).

In Mandarin Chinese it's "ni hao" (nee-how),

and in Hebrew its "Shalom" (sha-LOHM).

If you are in France, say "bonjour" (bohn-JOOR),

or in Italy, say "ciao" (chow).

The Swahili greeting is "jambo" (JAHM-boh),

and in Arabic it's "marhaba" (MAR-hah-bah).

Russians say "privet" (preev-YEHT),

and Hindi speaking people in India say "namaste" (nah-mah-STAY).

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