27 July 2008

Dealing with an angry person

With the kind of business I’m with there are lots of person I’m dealing with and it can’t be avoided that some got irritated or got angry. Base on my experience I agreed to what I’ve read a while ago. Experts give the following tips on how to deal with an angry person: 1. Determine not to get angry yourself. 2. Physically mirror the position and posture of the other person to help build rapport. 3. Shut up. Don’t defend yourself. Not yet. The person needs to calm down first by saying his piece. 4. Listen to understand. 5. Speak calmly. 6. Use your eyes and face to say, “I hear you and I want to help.” 7. Make an emphatic statement. Like “I can see why you feel that way” or “I’d probably feel the same way you do.” 8. Ask clarifying questions. 9. Wait for the ripe time to offer a rational solution. 10. Don’t exceed the bounds of your authority. If you are not able or authorized to resolve the situation, make a referral to someone who can help. 11. When all else fails, fall back on a statement such as “What do you want me to do?” or “What will make you happy?” Either of these two statements will often disarm a troublemaker and get to the bottom of a genuine person’s concerns.

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