24 August 2007

My Dreams

I'm a new blogger...ah? well at least I'm trying. I still don't know what to post...I'm starting from a scratch...but maybe as time goes by I'll learn. well, where do I start? Maybe I can start when I was still young. My dreams then...
When I was a young boy I have so many dreams...We live in a compound where my neighbors at my age were all studying on a exclusive school. Me? I'm just studying on a public school. I thought that when I grow up I will send my kids also to private schools...then...then it came to reality...
I was fascinated to all the women who dressed in white...so the first girl I went dating is a nursing student. I married a Pharmacist...she died...and then I married again a Nurse. All connected to profession of medicine. But alas! I am a graduate of Business of Science in Commerce but my work place is connected to drugs and medicine.
My dream is to be somebody someday...now i think I achieved it partially...I am one of the people trusted by our company to run one of their branches here in the Philippines.
I am just waiting for my retirement to enjoy the fruits of my labor...I have a beautiful wife, a registered Pharmacist's daughter, an ECE graduate son, another son taking up Com-Sci, my Vetvet and Botbot. What else can I ask for?


Anonymous said...

this is my dad... - ojey cortez

Anonymous said...